10 Radiologists
Since they are exposed to radiations all day long while conducting X-rays on the patients the yare exposed to a number of critical diseases, cancer being on the top
9. Elevator Installers and Repairers
Exposed to wire and electricity, this is not at all a safe job. In addition the elevator installers are als oexposed to cuts, bruises and poor working conditions
8. Critical Care Nurses
Being close to the patients suffering from critical diseases, the critical care nurses are always at a risk of contaminating with viruses and bacteria. They are also continuously exposed to radiations
7. Derrick Operators (Oil and Gas)
SInce their primary task is to regulate the irculation of mud through a hole in it, the yare exposed to serious cuts and wounds and very hazardous working conditions
6. Water and Wastewater Treatment
While treating the water and waste waster management, these workers are exposed to the accumulated and standing water. This increases the risk of contamination with water borne diseases which includes typhoid, cholera as well dengue which happens due to the accumulation of water in one place.
5. Podiatrists
In such a profession, the person goesto the human foot and is thus exposed to the dust from nail. Biological dust from the foot may deposit into the respiratory system, nose, and conjunctiva. Because, Podiatrists expose themselves to dust, they are also vulnerable to conjunctivitis, itching, tearing asthma attack, and coughing.
4. Veterinarians
While treating the sick or injured animals, the veterinarians are exposed to the highest risk of infections and germs.
3. Mining
This is considered to be one of the most risky job in the worst of working conditions. Its unsafe and the miners are exposed to cuts, burnsbites and lot of infections
2. Flight Attendants
This is by far the worst job though it might not sound so. The worst thing about the job is the irregular timings which exposes the greatest risk to ones health. The flight tatendants are exposed to dirt and germs from the luggaes of the passengers too.
1. Dentists
Inspite of being a highly paid job, being a dentist is by far the worst job. The dental material, lubricating oil, solvents and X-ray processing chemicals may cause skin infection. Similarly sharp objects used during the process can result in viral infections such as hepatitis B.